Benefits of Automated Parcel Locker Systems
Written by: Parcel Pending
7 Min Read
Published: November 2, 2020
Updated: September 2, 2024
Online shopping has been increasing at an exponential rate due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and over 77% of consumers want their online purchases delivered to their home1. As a result, many multifamily communities are having to manage high package volumes year-round.
One of the most effective ways to manage and secure resident packages is by using automated parcel locker systems like those from Parcel Pending by Quadient. Property management technology is a great way to provide value to residents and build a stronger multi family investment strategy.
Let’s take a look at some recent customer case studies to examine the many benefits and ROI of Parcel Pending by Quadient parcel locker solutions:
Boosting Resident Retention & Satisfaction
Parcel Pending’s automated lockers make it quick and easy for residents to retrieve their packages at their convenience. This helps to boost resident satisfaction while also saving property managers valuable time and giving them peace of mind. Here’s how our intelligent parcel lockers helped some of our customers do just that.
Cortland Properties
Cortland is a full-service multifamily real estate acquisition, development, and operating entity that owns over 44,000 apartment homes primarily in the Southeast and Texas. Several years ago, Cortland was struggling to manage its residents’ packages. Many Cortland communities were experiencing a growing number of resident packages – with annual increases of 40% or higher – resulting in overcrowded storage rooms. Even more importantly, the teams at these communities were required to spend more and more time managing packages, rather than attending to other resident needs. When considering multifamily investing, it is important to make your investment as future-proof as possible. After installing our lockers:
- 82% of residents were very satisfied with the smart locker option and overall package retrieval process.
- Residents rated the convenience of our lockers at 90%, speed of package pickup at 95%, and overall security at 89%.
- 40% of residents were more likely to renew their lease after the property implemented lockers.
- One specific Cortland property doubled its resident satisfaction.
It’s also important to note that residents who currently use automated parcel lockers are more likely to look for them while touring a new property. In fact, 89% of Cortland renters who believe they will still be renting in three years reported preferring lockers.
Download the full Cortland Properties case study here, and read more about The Aspect at Cortland’s experience here.
Acacia Capital
Acacia Capital is a real estate investment firm based in San Mateo, Calif. with extensive experience owning and operating apartments in major markets across the Western U.S. Throughout its 34-year history, Acacia has invested in nearly 30,000 apartment buildings.
Recently, Acacia Capital recognized that the boom in online shopping was resulting in a major increase in the number of packages the residents of its properties received. To that end, the company decided to take a closer look at its package management process and in doing so discovered that it could be improved. After installing our lockers:
- 100% of Acacia Capital residents are very satisfied.
Download the full Acacia Capital case study here.
Diminishing Package Theft
With the increase in packages comes an increase in package theft. From March to July of this year, 1 in 5 Americans reported having had a package or delivery stolen2. Additionally, the majority of package theft (40%) occurs at apartment communities2. Sadly, less than half of Americans reported that their porch pirate was caught2. Office lockers also help keep the residential manager’s belongings safe as well.
In order to prevent package theft, many properties place resident packages into property offices for safekeeping until residents come to pick them up. However, more than one-third of property managers report that their community’s package storage solution is not adequate during high parcel volume periods, which we have been experiencing year-round since the start of the pandemic3. Using automated parcel lockers as part of the package delivery system at your apartment building is one of the best ways to keep your resident’s packages safe from potential thieves.
The good news is that parcel lockers are one of the best ways to protect against package theft. Unlike cameras, which take video of a crime already committed, parcel lockers provide physical protection and security for packages, not just a deterrent that may or may not be effective. Parcel lockers in residential communities also provide residents with 24/7 access to packages where they live. The operational efficiency provided by a smart locker solution is a win for both managers and residents. Plus, the automated locker system is inexpensive to maintain and provides easy retrieval for residents.
The way Parcel Pending works is simple. Recipients are instantly notified by text, email, or app notification when they have a package delivery. Once the notification is received, the recipient can pick up the package using the unique code provided in the notification, or by using our mobile app. Property managers do not need to sign for, sort, or distribute packages to residents. Instead, our multifamily locker solutions provide a secure, fast, and easy way for residents to retrieve their own packages at their convenience.
Although many Americans are working from home or spending much more time at home, the reality is that they may not always hear the doorbell or delivery truck. Sometimes residents may be on a conference call, cooking, running a quick errand outside of the home, or otherwise occupied and they may not be aware that their package or delivery has arrived on their doorstep. Smart lockers like our storage lockers for apartments, give residents (and property managers) peace of mind knowing that their package will be safe and secure until they can retrieve it from the locker. Package lockers are also being used in retail stores to help customers safely retrieve purchased items and increase footfall in stores.
But you don’t have to take our word for it.
Trellis Fifth Avenue
Trellis Fifth Avenue is an urban condominium property located in the heart of the Gaslamp Quarter in downtown San Diego. As an older property, Trellis had a lack of adequate mailroom space to store the growing influx of online package deliveries, so packages were stored on a table in the lobby or next to an unattended security desk. Building staff struggled to keep up with the pileup of packages, which were often stolen. Building staff, owners, and residents knew they needed a better solution and decided to invest in Parcel Pending’s lockers.
- Trellis Fifth Avenue completely eliminated package theft at their property after installing our lockers, which significantly increased renter and owner satisfaction.
“We absolutely made the right choice with Parcel Pending. Everyone loves how easy it is to use the lockers, and the customer service team has provided phenomenal support for both our owners and our residents.” – Jason King, Trellis Fifth Avenue
Read the full Trellis Fifth Avenue case study here.
Saving Valuable Staff Time & Boosting Efficiencies
Our customer surveys show that our lockers boost operational efficiencies by helping to save up to 24 hours of staff time each week – time that was previously spent accepting, sorting, and distributing resident packages.
This additional free time allows property managers to find more meaningful ways to engage with their residents outside the leasing office. This engagement could come in the form of more conversations with existing residents or more property-wide events like classes or communal dinners. At a time when residents are seeking out community, these sorts of interactions not only create better relationships with residents, but they also foster a stronger sense of community on the property.
“[Staff] now have time to send that personalized email or text, or to make that follow up call and all of this is what helps to drive leasing and improve customer service to keep our current residents happy” – George P. Dobbel, SVP Asset Management at Acacia Capital
Enhanced Safety & Contactless Package Retrieval
There has been a surge in demand for contact-free package pick-up options. At Parcel Pending, we recently experienced a 46% increase in the number of downloads and usage of our mobile app, which allows for contact-free pick-up by allowing recipients to simply tap a button on their phone to open the locker door automatically, letting them retrieve their package without having to come in contact with the locker touchscreen or keypad. Parcel lockers embrace all safety protocols, as residents can pick up parcels without interacting with delivery company drivers, property staff, or even other residents.
Both property managers and residents love the contact-free pick-up features of Parcel Pending’s lockers:
“Parcel Pending’s lockers, especially right now with all the social distancing, are even more helpful [than before]” Bita, a Parcel Pending user based in Los Angeles
In addition to offering a contactless experience, our lockers also provide safety and security. All deliveries and customer pick-ups are monitored, tracked, and verified by Parcel Pending’s built-in cameras and infrared scanners to guarantee package safety and security. Delivery attempts are also monitored and verified.
From enhancing resident satisfaction and retention to saving valuable staff time and reducing package theft, smart parcel lockers provide a wide range of benefits for multifamily properties. With more residents shopping online than ever before, the time is now for property managers to invest in this valuable and cost-effective proptech solution.
Visit here to learn how Parcel Pending’s multifamily locker solutions can help you transform your property in the New Year.
Learn more about parcel lockers here.
- Accenture, “Holiday research 2020—A retail season like no other.” Available at: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/retail/holiday-research-2020
- Value Penguin, “Survey Finds 1 in 5 Americans Were Victims of Porch Pirates Since the Start of COVID-19 Stay-Home Orders.” Available at: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/survey-finds-1-in-5-americans-were-victims-of-porch-pirates-since-the-start-of-covid-19-stay-home-orders-301090960.html
- National Multifamily Housing Council. (2018, November 14). Special Delivery: 2018 NHMC/Kingsley Package Delivery Report [Press release]. Available at: https://www.nmhc.org/news/