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The Holiday Package Rush is Coming! Are Parcel Lockers in Your Budget for 2020?

The holiday shopping and gift-giving season is just around the corner!

Are you ready to manage a daily avalanche of deliveries and packages for your residents?

Experts estimate a 50 percent increase in resident packages and deliveries this holiday season.

If that statistic makes you want to say “bah humbug”, then maybe it’s time to move Parcel Pending’s multifamily locker solutions from your wish list to your 2020 budget list. It’s estimated that concierge staff and property managers spend up to four hours each day facilitating deliveries for residents. This includes signing for, sorting, storing and tracking deliveries, as well as managing logistics when residents come to pick up their packages.

And you can bet it will take even more staff time to manage the influx of holiday packages & deliveries!

Parcel Pending’s multifamily lockers provide a tangible solution for property managers and multifamily communities struggling to manage the continual deluge of resident packages. In fact, customer surveys show that our lockers help save up to 24 hours of staff time each week – time that was previously spent accepting, sorting, and distributing resident packages – and drive resident renewals by 40 percent.

With our locker solutions, property managers regain valuable time by no longer having to manage an abundance of packages and increase their efficiency by re-directing time once spent on dealing with packages to handling more important resident issues.

That’s why the time is now to budget for Parcel Pending’s multifamily solutions, so you can get out of the business of package management and back to the business of property management. Happy residents mean happy property managers. Don’t forget to budget for parcel lockers in 2020 so you can avoid a stressful holiday season next year.

Learn more about Parcel Pending’s multifamily locker solutions here.