Space or Budget-Constrained Properties
Occasionally, “oversized” items such as mattresses, tires, and bicycles need to be stored in a separate package room upon arrival. Whether you’re augmenting an existing Parcel Pending locker system or need a standalone package delivery solution, Parcel Pending’s Package Room gets property managers out of the business of package management and back to their real jobs of providing convenience for residents, increasing renewals, and reducing operational expenses.
Package Room Solutions

Our Portfolio

Deliver MORE with Smart Lockers from Parcel Pending by Quadient
A locker system is a standalone piece of hardware, whereas a package room leverages an existing room or space to secure deliveries. This makes package rooms a perfect, affordable solution for space-constrained properties or for locker overflow (such as for oversized package deliveries). Both solutions are monitored 24/7 and provide controlled access to deliveries.
Yes! We have a range of flexible pricing plans, including a purchase and a subscription option with no money down. Interested in a package locker solution for your business? Get a quote today.
Yes! Our Standard Tier plan is 1-year parts and labor. For more details about our warranty plans, contact a Parcel Pending representative today.
Yes! Residents can use our free mobile app to receive package delivery alerts and manage packages from their smartphone. Want the Parcel Pending app on your device? Download it via Google Play or the App Store.

A Secure Room with Controlled Access
Couriers deliver packages directly into a secure room using their unique access code. Residents are immediately notified and are provided an individual access code to enter and pick up their package(s) – no waiting at the leasing office or scheduling secondary deliveries required. The package room also includes a camera at the touchscreen and 24/7, secure, cloud-based video surveillance for added security.